Friday, October 28, 2022

Isla's 10th VEPTR surgery - Surgery Day Oct. 28, 2022 (VEPTR expansion and tethered spinal cord release)

Thank you, so much, for praying for Isla today. 
The messages of support, prayers, and encouragement were so precious to us. 
It was such a blessing to see people wearing their HOPE for Isla shirts...THANK YOU for bringing encouragement to Isla and our family. 

Isla's surgeries today were successful! They began about 2:45pm and we were able to join her in recovery at about 6pm. 
Start of recovery has been going well. Please keep praying that Isla can keep improving well and for no issues from the tethered cord release...that she can remain calm and laying still and flat for another 15-20 hrs. or so. 
I'm tuckered, going to just post the video of the day tonight. 
Just wanted to be sure to tell you all THANK YOU for praying and to ask that you keep praying for Isla. 

We praise God for our miracle girl and his faithfulness for each day. 

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