Thursday, August 26, 2021

Isla's 8th VEPTR surgery (expansion) Aug 2021 (travel day and pre-op day)

We made our way across the country to Philadelphia yesterday. 
We are so thankful for a fairly smooth travel day! They are always long and exhausting...but we made it! Time change and some fears for our girl led to a rough night of sleep...or maybe I should say rough night of little sleep?? 
Our sweet girl knows where we are and what this means, so it is not easy for her. 

We woke up this AM and got ready for pre-op day...Covid test, x-rays, talking with the ortho nurse, video call with Isla's surgeon, etc. We were able to be done with appts about 1:30pm and rest for the rest of the day. Isla got a stuffed llama and named it "Princess" which brought a smile to her face :) 
Isla has been loving watching Fancy Nancy and playing with her puzzles and toys here in our hotel. 
She requested "Potle" (Chipotle) when we arrived yesterday and also for her final meal tonight prior to surgery. She eats those bowls like a boss! 

We just finished bath time, CHG wipes (surgical wipe down with antibacterial wipes) and just did prayer time together and our sweet girl was so tired and cuddled up with her "minky-moo" (blankies) and fell asleep. Please pray she can get some great rest tonight heading into surgery tomorrow. 

Isla is "first case" we will arrive to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia about 5:30am in prep for surgery. Expansion surgeries (expanding both of her VEPTR rods) are quicker than a revision (the surgery she had last time - replacing one of her VEPTR rods) so we hope she will not have to be in surgery long and can get on to recovery. 

Please pray with us

  • for Isla to feel peace even through the fears
  • for Isla to sleep well tonight (Justin and I, too!) 
  • for big brother Zeke back home as he thinks of his sister
  • for Isla's surgeon and medical team
  • for Isla's vocal cord to not have re-injury or become paralyzed again
  • for good pain management/oxygen management
If you are able, please wear your Hope for Isla shirts tomorrow and share a photo with us! Isla has loved to see everyone praying for her and cheering her on! 

We will always say how thankful we are for the Lord carrying Isla and our family through hard things. We are so thankful for joy that he gives, even though life can be so incredible heartbreaking and hard. We want to be real with you - this is never easy nor gets easier over time...there are fears, anxiety and things that are heavy emotionally and mentally. Just grateful that we feel and see the Lord at work, see all he has done, and for the reminders of joy that we have through each day. It is a gift and help us cling to hope. 

(CLICK HERE) VIDEO OF DAY 1 & 2 of Isla's 8th VEPTR surgery journey


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