Friday, August 20, 2021

One week away...

We are one week away from Isla having her 8th VEPTR surgery. 
Her surgery is August 27th. This will be a VEPTR expansion surgery. So, both of her VEPTR rods will be expanded in length. 

Please pray for Isla and our family! 
We had written out some prayer requests in our last blog...

Another request is to pray for Zeke and Isla as they will have to be apart again during this time. 
They are having a tough time knowing they cannot be together again. The bond that these two have is so sweet. Besties that help each other be brave.💓 Please pray for their hearts and minds to feel peace. 

We will try to update as we can and the best way for us to do that is through here on our blog. 
Thank you, so much, for praying! We are so grateful! 

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