Saturday, September 11, 2021

two weeks into recovery

These past two weeks have been a blur...
While we are ok, it has been a tough couple of weeks. 
We are exhausted and in "survival mode". 
Thank you to everyone that has checked sorry if we have not gotten back to you yet!

Isla's incisions seem to be healing but she is facing some unusual prolonged pain and today had a low fever. She has not been sleeping well. We are keeping in touch with her medical team and watching her close. We'd love for you to pray for Isla! Please pray for no infection and for her to be feeling better. Sweet girl really fights for joy and to keep active, but we can fully see she is not herself and having a hard time. 
We have seen Isla's little heart and mind struggle with each surgery. Physical healing is not the only thing she faces after surgery. She has a lot she is trying to process and her fears are quite heightened. She is afraid of people and anytime we leave the house or head anywhere, she is afraid of "more ouchies". We don't blame her! She is at a point in life of understanding a lot more, yet not understanding all of the why's and when she can feel safe. We are working to communicate with her and help her process and do what she needs to feel safe again. 

Zeke is doing well...but surgeries are such a whirlwind for him too. We've been having lots of quality time with him playing all his fav games...particularly Monopoly :) 
While we have not started our homeschool year of curriculum at home yet, Zeke was able to start back to his co-op classes this week! He is so excited to be IN PERSON for these classes and excited for seeing friends and all the learning fun ahead! I'll share more on that later...
Z has such an inquisitive mind and LOVES learning all the things...the past few weeks he has loved studying geology and money/coins from around the world! 

J has been on and off at work. He jumped right back in to work the day after we returned back from Philly but my health has been super rough shape, so it has been on and off. 
My body is struggling with auto immune issues and being SO exhausted. It is hard for me to not feel completely frustrated by it. Deep breaths and praying for strength for both J and I. It can feel hard to not fear how I will feel or what we might face the next day and next day...

We are SO very grateful for some sweet friends from our church. 
While we were away during Isla's surgery, a few of the gals came over to bring cheer to Zeke and my mom and to help us with some much needed cleaning in our home. 

They have been so very generous with us...this support has been so humbling in such an amazing way. We are so humbled by the love they are showing our family - it is bringing a feeling of being loved that we didn't realize how much we have needed. We have needed it so very much. I think sometimes it can feel easy to just keep going...just keep doing the next thing. It becomes habit to do all the things on our own. So much of what we need in a day can only be done by us (doctor phone calls, therapy visits, doctor visits, meds, training/schooling, etc.) but, their gentle persistence in inquiring how they can come alongside our family has been helping us to think deeper about our needs and lowering our walls to accept help (walls of some pride and walls we've put up to protect ourselves...can explain that more another time). They have been so kind to really listen to our needs and that is a gift! We just are so grateful. 

We really covet your prayers - 
Please pray for Isla to heal well and for this pain and fever to subside. Please pray for her to feel safe and secure. 
Please pray for Molly with her health and for strength and endurance in parenting, schooling, etc. each day.
Please pray for J to be able to consistently go to work and for strength and encouragement for him each day. 
Please pray for Z to feel encouraged too! He is such a giving, sweet brother! PRAYER PRAISE - his breathing issues have gotten MUCH better!!!! More on that later ;) 
Please pray as we prep to start our school year! We are excited! true Molly fashion I cannot end this without pursuing joy...
fighting to see the good within the hard. 
It can feel easy to count all our problems...right? Feels like a plethora of hard...I have NOT had a hard time seeing all the hard lately. Anyone else?? Goodness, hope can feel hard to have when keeping that perspective. 
God is so good to us and so incredibly faithful - so that in and of itself brings relief! Whew! 

J found my new anthem song this week: I dare you to listen to it and NOT dance and feel so blessed. 
So, tomorrow morning we will wake up and dance as a fam to this song. 
Doesn't mean our day will be without hardship, but we desire to pursue hearts seeking what we can be thankful for. Regardless of difficulty, God is with us and we have much to be thankful for. 
Choosing joy...
(CLICK HERE) I'm So Blessed by Cain

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

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