Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Another change ahead - feeding tube surgery

We cannot believe it is November already...
It has been a packed Fall for us and we are praying for a peaceful and restful Christmas coming up! 

We have been very busy with our usual life happenings...work, school, co-op, lots of doctor and therapy appointments - the weeks go by so very fast and often wear us out. 
We are doing ok, yet there are life circumstances that continually feel tough. We are grateful that even through the lows of each day, we can each find highs to talk about and praise God for, too. We find it so important to seek out those sweet spots, the things we are grateful for, because the hard things can often feel more consuming in our days. 

We wanted to share a quick update and ask you to pray for Isla...
Next week, on November 30th, Isla will have her 9th surgery.
Isla will be having surgery to place a G-tube (feeding tube) in her abdomen. For over a year now, we have been watching Isla's weight very closely and she has not been able to gain weight for a very long time now and has even dropped in weight. We have seen her growing in height but not gaining weight. Dropping in weight affects so many things for her. She needs the extra calories and also needs help with hydration. Hydration has been an issue ever since the vocal cord injury from surgery #2.
We want to do whatever is best for Isla and her health...and now is the time for supplementing her feeding and drinking.

Isla does not understand all of this...we are slowly and simply trying to help her understand, but until she is experiencing it, it will still be a mystery to her. We were able to have a little dolly made that has a G-tube and surgical scars similar to Isla. Isla really desires to "match" to things right now...and seeing it really is special to her. 
Isla has really struggled mentally and emotionally with surgeries this past year and we know this surgery will be hard on her, too. We are praying for her to be able to communicate how she feels and any questions she has. Praying for her to feel peace and courage through this new addition to her life. 

Courage cuties

Isla & Isla doll - "just like me"
(custom doll made by Kathy from AButtonAndAStitch on Etsy) 

talking about a G-Tube...as of now, Isla calls it another belly button

VEPTR warrior

Love the support that these two give to each other. Yes, they can bicker here and there,
but the second one sees the other hurting, worried, or not understanding,
they are quick to give support and love. 

We are so grateful that we will be near home for this surgery. It actually feels so strange for Isla to have a surgery here in Seattle. Thankful for her primary care doctor and gastroenterology team that have been watching Isla closely and ready to help in any way. We are also so thankful to be close to Zeke. While he cannot be at the hospital, we are so thankful he is near and this helps him so much, too. 
We've been told this will most likely be a one to two night stay in the hospital. We are praying for a smooth surgery, for J and I to be fast learners of everything new in the feeding tube world, and to get our girl home so soon to heal and acclimate to "tubie - life". 

We truly are so grateful for all those praying for Isla and our fam...and encouraging us along the way. It is a gift we do not take lightly. 

If you have a "Fighting with Hope" shirt,
please wear it on Tuesday the 30th and share a pic with us! 

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