Sunday, April 24, 2022

Isla's 9th VEPTR (revision) surgery - Post-op day 6

 Happy Sunday 💛

Today was much the same, even with its ups and downs. Not much to update, just writing to give a glimpse of some of our moments and to continue to ask you to pray for Isla. We are grateful that while she had a tough day, Isla doesn't seem to be getting worse. 
Our main prayer is for healing from her VEPTR surgery and for this ileus to go away so she can be fully eating, drinking, and functioning to heal well. 
We all felt extra exhausted today. Tried to encourage Isla and enjoy some restful time between the chaotic moments of hospital life. Praying Isla will be able to be discharged soon and we can get our sweet girl home to WA. 

Again, THANK YOU for praying for Isla and our family! 
We cannot thank you enough! 

1 comment:

  1. I can feel your exhaustion. Molly how are you? Please take care of yourself. Justin you can only do what you can. All of you Rest in Jesus. Isla you are doing great! Hang tough!
