Friday, April 22, 2022

Isla's 9th VEPTR surgery (revision) - Post op day 2 & 3 (Wednesday & Thursday)

These post-op days have been so miserable for our sweet girl. 
She has dealt with so much pain from surgery and then having another ileus makes it all so much worse in all ways. Isla really was in agony day 2 and 3 post-op. 

Isla's whole team here has been working hard to help bring comfort to Isla and keep communicating with other teams as well to find the best possible solutions for Isla's needs. We've been walking a very fine line of giving meds to help the surgical pain and also not giving too much that aids in making her ileus worse or last longer. Isla was taken off ALL food or drink. Isla's heart rate began to be very high and her oxygen level kept dropping, so she was put back on cannula oxygen. She had to have her G-tube vented multiple times, G-tube replaced, and had to have an NG tube placed to help pump out fluid in her stomach. Her GI system has been at a full stand still and pressure kept building. It has been one thing after another for our girl. She has been exhausted from all the pokes and prodding while in so much pain.
We are so incredibly proud of Isla.
She is STRONG and SO BRAVE. 

At about 10:30pm last night Isla seemed to have a little turn around for the better. Her oxygen levels and heart rate were in a better place. She was giggling, smiling, and we saw peeks of her fun sense of humor, too. She asked to go for a walk and even though it was so painful (with tears) she did it. GO, ISLA! We tried to help Isla have some comfort and joy through some puzzles, toys, singing, and watching her fav shows. 

A short walk at night exhausted our girl to sleep. She slept fairly well last night, considering all going on. 
(CLICK HERE) Video of post-op days 2 & 3

Today Isla woke up asking for Chipotle! (one of her love languages 😄) It is SO good that she feels hungry. She has been SO upset to not be able to eat and mixed with pain...she has shed quite a few tears today. We are going to step ahead VERY CAUTIOUSLY. Her NG pump has been clamped and after 4 hours of allowing her stomach to normalize, she is now going to start sips of water to see if her body can handle that and to test if her system is awake yet or not. 

Please keep praying for our girl. 
The sun is shining today...we hope we can take
Isla on a wagon ride to find some warm sunshine. 
we hope we can bring her some joy and cheer.

We are unsure how long we will be here. It will be at least until early next week, but if the ileus continues, it will be longer. Please pray that her GI system is able to wake and function well. please pray for Isla as she tries to process not being able to eat but not fully understanding why. She is heartbroken from it all. 
Pray for healing for our little WARRIOR💜

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