Monday, April 25, 2022

Isla's 9th VEPTR surgery (revision) Post-op day 7

Today was a GOOD day. 

Isla turned a corner. And, in true Isla fashion, when she starts going somewhere, it happens in more of a "blast off" way! Praise God! 

(CLICK HERE) Video - Isla's 9th VEPTR surgery (revision) Post-op day 7

Isla still had a tough day on Sunday, but seemed to start to turn a corner on Sunday night. We got her to sleep and she slept fairly well. She woke up SO happy and strong! She has struggled to want to go on walks or move much and this morning she was ON IT! Surgery is so painful and the ileus is honestly so debilitating. We are so thankful her body was improving!! 
Isla was able to eat full meals and had no issues after eating - so thankful her GI system is working again! 

Isla's medical team is SO kind and all came to cheer her on and celebrate the ileus going away! We all loved to see Isla feel so much better so she could be more of herself again. 
After meeting with everyone on Isla's team and Isla meeting specific milestones, Dr. Anari let us decide if we felt good with Isla being discharged today. 
We felt confident that Isla has fully turned a corner, so yay!!! Isla was able to be discharged from the hospital today! Isla was THRILLED! She kept saying "tummy get better, mommy! We go to hotel now!?" 

We were able to make it back to the hotel and Isla went back and forth with rest and play. She has been requesting Chipotle for days on we celebrated with her fav dinner. 
We have been keeping up with Isla's med schedule...she still is having quite a bit pain from surgery - it will take a while to fully heal. She surely doesn't let much hold her back. 

We look forward to making our way H O M E tomorrow night. 
Please pray for Isla. Traveling days after surgery are very painful for her. 
She can often have motion sickness as well, so please pray that her medications work and really help her to not feel sick and help to relieve the pain. 

THANK YOU for all of the prayers, love, and support for Isla. 
We are truly grateful. 


  1. Such wonderful news. I kept praying for her thru out the day.

  2. My name is Nick Coriano, my daughter was diagnosed with Spondylocostal Dystosis 2, (gene MESP2). I think this is what Isla had if I am reading correct. We are still at the nicu ...she is 2 weeks old. Now that they gave us a name, we are trying to understand our options. Can we talk? Is there a way? My cell phone is 203.685.0346...can you call me? We are lost and need any help we can get! Prayers for Isla 🙏

    1. Hi Nick, I sincerely apologize...I just saw your message within the last 2 days. I'm so sorry I missed it!!! If you would like to chat more with us, we are so glad to. Email: Again, I am so sorry i didn't see your message in Sept. Thank you for sharing about your precious daughter...praying for her and you as well!
