Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Looking ahead this Autumn of 2022

Hi friends! 

It seems to be my reputation to blog about every six months :) 
Life has been really crazy. 
Crazy intense and challenging. And, we thank God is he crazy faithful. 

Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. 
Great is his FAITHFULNESS.

There is so much that has happened the last six months and so much that is happening for each of us ahead...a bit tough to condense into a blog and honestly, I don't feel ready to share it all yet, either. The needs in our family have grown. So, I've been quieter in general and also quieter on the blog and social media, for quite some time.
My health has been a huge struggle that we are still trying to pinpoint more answers for. I've had some really difficult and life-altering symptoms for a while now, that are very concerning. My team of doctors have been so wonderful, all the testing and appointments are exhausting, we have "leads" for what may be happening, but we continue to try to pinpoint diagnosis. The countless appointments (on top of all of the kids' appointments and therapies) have felt like beyond a full-time job. It has been very overwhelming. We are holding on to HOPE that full answers will come and are praying for ability to heal from this. In the meantime, praying for God to give us all we need for each day - He has, and we are so grateful. It is not our own strength that gets us through. 
We are doing the best that we can...there are many days that are so intense, and it can feel like we're swirling in a tornado of hard things, but we take everything one step at a time (even minute by minute) and are leaning into our faith in the Lord like never before. 
We give God all the glory for holding us and guiding us. We have a LOT of fears and questions but one thing we hold to, is the certainty of who God is and that He knows the details of our life beyond what we do. He has purpose in all things and while circumstances can feel overwhelming (and honestly, we have times of looking for a pause button!!!) our hope remains in him. 

Our sweet kiddos have some big months ahead. 


In the next two months, our brave Zeke will have 2 surgeries. The time has come for him to have the bone grafting surgery for his alveolar ridge (jawline). For those that do not know, our brave boy was born with bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolar ridge. He had multiple surgeries years ago, but repairing the jawline happens when development is about 7-9 years old. It all has to do with the timing of teeth loss, teeth movement, and growth. Now is that time...

Tomorrow, Wednesday September 28th, Zeke will have oral surgery #1 at Seattle Children's Hospital - this surgery will be under anesthesia, and he will have multiple teeth removed and the jawline area prepared for the bone grafting surgery. He will need to heal for about 6-8 weeks and will then be having the bone grafting surgery at that point. (Which lands about mid to late November) 


Our sweet Isla has had a very tough six months, since last surgery.
One particular hardship has been worsening symptoms due to a tethered spinal cord. 
Back in spring, when she had her last surgery, we had met with her neurosurgeon who discussed Isla's symptoms with us and looked through Isla's past scans. He was certain she had a tethered spinal cord and it was decided that we would be watching symptoms closely. She would most likely need surgery for it. Isla's symptoms have worsened over the past months and it is now time to do surgery, sooner than expected.
Isla will be having surgery on Oct 28, 2022 to release her tethered spinal cord and she will also have VEPTR expansion surgery at the same time. 
While we are so thankful that the kiddos' surgeries are not right at the same time, it will still make for a really tough few months. Life has already been very challenging, so we admit that we feel overwhelmed. Would you please pray for our family?

  • Please pray for the kids as they have these surgeries ahead. It never gets easier and anxiety surrounding surgery is so real. 
  • Please pray for their medical teams and that both kids would have safe and successful surgeries. 
  • Please pray for details to fall into place and for good health as we travel to Philadelphia for Isla's surgery. 
  • Please pray that this surgery for Isla will eliminate the pain she has been living with and for her to feel so much relief physically and mentally. We continue to pray for miracles for her life. 
  • Please pray for Justin and all that he carries for us...he loves us well. 
  • Please pray for me (molly) to be able to hold up during all of this. please pray for strength, endurance, and peace. 

We'll update as we can...
We so appreciate all the prayers and encouragement. 


  1. Yes Molly we will pray. Jesus is in control and knows your needs. You married the right man that I am certain of. You have the most precious family.

  2. Praying for His Daily Manna to provide what you need each day. That you could go to bed in awe of each night of how He provided once more for that day. And for courage for your sweet family. 🙏🏻

  3. Prayers and love to you and your family. I have prayed often for you and will continue to . You have a beautiful family and I pray for God’s love , healing and light to shine upon each one of you. Strength does not always come easily but you are one strong and amazing person Molly. 💜❤️💕🙏🏻
