Monday, October 10, 2022


Hello dear friends and family! If you are reading this than we share at least one thing in common. We are both blessed to know, stand beside, admire and support the Sindelar family. Am I right?! We have watched this amazing foursome weather extraordinary storms and challenges, enduring health crisis’, financial strain, chronic illness to name a few. Any one of these is enough to implode even the strongest of families, but not our friends, the Sindelars. They have seemingly and beautifully held faster and tighter both to each other and most importantly to our merciful Savior, Jesus Christ. 

If you have watched, admired, and supported this sweet fam for any length of time, I am asking something new of you now. I am asking each of us to move to a different posture. Would you please consider CHAMPIONING Justin, Molly, Zeke and Isla? Webster’s dictionary defines CHAMPIONING this way…1. To act as militant supporter of: UPHOLD, ADVOCATE.  2. To PROTECT or FIGHT for as a champion.  We are aiming to take our support to a whole new level while starting a new effort to bless their socks off! 


Pieces on Purpose: a Campaign of Love for the Sindelar Family

This beautiful photo has been made into a 500 piece puzzle! Our goal is for each piece to encourage the Sindelars as they are donated one by one, piece by piece by each of you. We are aiming to total our outpouring of love to this family at $10,000! Maybe more! OK, here are the easy instructions for your giving…

1.  Say YES to blessing the Sindelars!


2.  Choose the QUANTITY you wish to donate - Each puzzle piece is $20


3.  TEXT/EMAIL donation info to Jill Hicks @206.228.0862 and/or 
         Info should include: YOUR NAME (or Anonymous if preferred), 
         # of pieces donated, how donation $ is to be sent (see below)


4.  TWO methods of payment options include - 
        VENMO directly to Justin Sindelar   @justin-sindelar-1
        Send CHECK/CASH to Jill Hicks 12024 N Lisa Ln Spokane WA 99218

That’s it people! Easy easy! When I get your message of donation I will write your name/family’s name on each purchased puzzle piece. Once completed, this won’t be simply a rainy day puzzle. Far from it. This gift of encouragement will be a constant needed reminder that our friends are seen, they are loved, consistently upheld and prayed over, remembered daily, and maybe most important, that we are all holding on to HOPE with them. 

Please share this campaign with anyone that may have a soft heart toward the Sindelar’s situation. We have no idea who the Lord wants to use to bless this fabulous foursome! As always, to God be the Glory for all He has done and will do in our obedience to love and care for one another❤

Check back for updates as the donations of love start pouring in and the pieces quite literally fall into place…

Blessings, Jill

“So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”  1 Corinthians 13:13

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