Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Isla's 10th VEPTR surgery - Oct 2022 - TRAVEL DAY TO PHILADELPHIA

We made our way to Philadelphia today...these travel days feel so long.
We are so grateful that over all the travel details went smoothly.
Isla was SO brave. She was facing a lot of anxiety but kept bravely asking questions and trusting us with each step. We see her growing in her communication and while she doesn't fully understand any of this, she is putting pieces of the puzzle together and talking with us through what is happening. She is bravely sharing bit by bit about how she feels. We praise God for all these victories and are so very proud of her. It has been such a hard season and while we praise God for these life-saving surgeries for Isla, it is still so hard to do this. We see God and feel God at work...we trust him for each day. 

We made a video of the day... we do this to remember the details but also love to share it with you. 

Tomorrow is Pre-op day - We will head over to CHOP for tests, x-rays, see one of the NP's and will have a video pre-op visit with Isla's orthopedic surgeon (he is out of the city tomorrow). 
Friday is surgery day (VEPTR expansion and spinal cord detethering) 

Please keep praying for Isla and our family! We are so grateful! 

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