Thursday, October 27, 2022

Isla's 10th VEPTR surgery - pre-op day Oct 27th, 2022

Having to keep an update short tonight...
Today's appointments went well...Isla was SO brave. God is so faithful. 
Tomorrow is surgery day. We will check in at 12pm EST at CHOP. 
Please pray for Isla, her surgical team - that includes Dr. Anari and Dr. Heuer, and for these surgeries to be successful. 

Here is a video of today...
(CLICK HERE) Video of pre-op day Oct 27th, 2022
So proud of our VEPTR warrior 💜
Today was appointments and just trying to help our sweetie feel calm, rested, and to have some fun. 
The end of the video is a glimpse into her heart for singing worship songs. It is precious. 

Thank you all for praying...we cannot thank you enough. 

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