Sunday, October 30, 2022

Isla's 10th VEPTR surgery (VEPTR expansion + spinal cord detethering surgery) - recovery (Oct 29, 2022)

Hey All, 
I wasn't able to get an update out was a full day of helping our sweet warrior and in the evening, GETTING TO LEAVE THE HOSPITAL for the hotel! 
(CLICK HERE) Video beginning recovery

Isla was able to meet the requirements of lying as flat as possible and staying calm for about 24 hours after surgery...thank you for praying for her! This is no small feat, and we are praising God that she was able to stay so calm and "as flat as possible" for that time. So proud of her!
Neurosurgery said slowly through the day yesterday, she could start to sit for bits of time and as of now, she is still doing well with no signs of issues! We are quite used to the VEPTR side of surgeries and after expansions it is best to get moving as soon as possible to help her lungs and with lying still was a bit extra tough. Please pray for Isla's lungs to stay clear from any fluid. She is needing to cough and clear more than usual, and we hope as she moves more today, that any fluid dissipates. 
Isla's anxiety was growing as the day went on yesterday and getting to go to the hotel was the best step to help her feel more at ease in recovery. 

The doctors recommended we stay in Philadelphia for a couple more days. We want to be sure that Isla is recovering well before flying across the country again. 

Isla was THRILLED to get to the hotel last night and barely in the door before she was asking for her worship songs. Oh, my heart. It was the sweetest thing. 
She requested her favorite Chipotle dinner and Bible songs...she was SO happy! 

Isla slept well last night but is a bit stiffer and not fully herself today. She is calm and thankful! She is so strong! 
So, for today and tomorrow we try to rest well before the long trek home. 

Please continue to pray for Isla's recovery - for no infection and all to heal so well. 
Please pray for us to all stay healthy and strong. 
And, please pray for smooth and safe travels back home. 

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