Friday, October 21, 2022

One week away from Isla's next surgery

We would love prayer for Isla and our family...
We are heading into a week of travel, appointments, and Isla's next surgery. 

This will be Isla's 10th VEPTR surgery/12th overall

We had some details and concerns arise this week but are thankful that both the
neurosurgery and orthopedics teams were able to
communicate with us to talk through those concerns. 
Isla will be having two surgeries - her VEPTR rods expanded and her spinal cord being detethered. 
Many pros and cons were weighed to think through what was best for Isla. We advocate hard for our little warrior. These decisions are never easy, and it can feel so hard to know what is best to do.
We prayed a lot and are stepping ahead in faith. We always hold on to hope for our sweet girl. 
We are so very grateful for an amazing social worker that we have had the pleasure of working with at Children's Hosptial of Philadelphia. She has made sure that all the medical teams are on the same page and aware of Isla's needs. 

It can feel so easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed...
We are leaning on the Lord and daily seeing how he is sustaining us and leading us. 
He truly is our refuge and where we find our joy through the hard. We have felt your prayers and are so grateful for the peace that can only come from the Lord. 

Thank you SO MUCH for praying for Isla and our family. 
We do not take for granted all of you that are praying, supporting, and encouraging our family. 
We'll try to share the journey and update as best we can, here on our blog.

For those asking how you can support our family, a sweet friend set up a campaign for our family.
click this link here:
Pieces on Purpose Campaign

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