Saturday, November 5, 2022

Campaign Update! - It’s Comin Together People!

I’ve waited awhile to update on the Pieces On Purpose Campaign for the Sindelars only to give them time to share Isla’s trip to CHOP this last week, her double surgery and now recovery. Can we all just take a minute and PRAISE GOD for his mercies on this sweet lil one these last 10 days?! His plans are faaarrr greater than we can even fathom and we get to be an active part in watching those plans unfold❤ 

But you guys…it’s like when you have a secret you are just dying to share and you have both hands clamped over your mouth to literally hold the words in…you all LOVE WELL!  The response has been utterly amazing, humbling, as exciting as Christmas morning…you get the picture. We started Pieces on Purpose on October 10th and in less than one month we have well over half the puzzle complete!! My phone alerts and my kids all jump in with, “Is that another piece for the Sindelars?!” 

Lemme show you pics of what we’ve got so far!  (Disclaimer - I ordered a beautiful black and white picture for this puzzle…am I the only one who didn’t think that through? So, while I love me a good puzzle, I may have bribed my dad aka: puzzle master to put this one together else I loose my mind😂)

This is the Original Pic of our sweet Fam,
Now drumroll please…

GUYS! The front is awesome, but the real show stopper is the back. Each of these pieces that have been put together bear the name of a person, a couple, a family that have chosen to CHAMPION the Sindelar family. Each piece represents a commitment to show up for this fam during their time of need. I am blown away, encouraged, filled with hope, and more determined than ever to reach our goal of 500 pieces

Please share this campaign with anyone that might be able to purchase a puzzle piece. One piece at a time, one person at a time, God is moving, his plan is unfolding, and we are witnessing His glory on display!  

Can’t wait to show you the finished masterpiece!

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