Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Zeke's cleft alveolar ridge bone grafting surgery

 Hey everyone, 

Please pray for Zeke today

Today is Zeke's surgery at Seattle Children's. 

Zeke was born with a bilateral cleft lip, palate, and alveolar ridge (jawline). 

Today's surgery will be making room and creating pockets in his upper jawline/gum line. They will take bone marrow from his hip and implant it into those pockets in hopes that bone will grow and fill in the holes in his jaw. 

This surgery is approximately 5 hours long. We are so thankful for Zeke's surgeon, Dr. Tse! He's been Zeke's craniofacial plastic surgeon since he first came home. The plan is to stay one night in the hospital. If he seems to be doing amazing after surgery...they may let him come home tonight. 

Please pray for a smooth and successful surgery and for this recovery. Zeke will not be able to eat solid foods for at least 4-6 weeks. Our energetic boy will need to lay low and do lots of resting. They say that it will be a painful recovery..both for his mouth/head, and for his hip. 

We are so proud of Zeke. It has been a very tough season for our family and he continually seeks the Lord each day and is so strong and courageous! He is such a bright light and we love him so much! 

So proud of you, Zeke! Wearing Z's fav color green 💚

So brave 💚

So thankful his surgery is close to home, at Seattle Children's! The new Forest surgery wing is amazing! 

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