Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Showing Up and Loving BIG

The finale post to our Pieces on Purpose Campaign for the Sindelar Family is here!...And what a picture perfect finish it was! Ya'll did an AMAZING job championing Justin, Molly, Zeke and Isla. Every piece purchased, every dollar donated, every word of encouragement you sent was tangible, palpable HOPE

When you are in the trenches, fighting the battle, being seen is EVERYTHING. Knowing, not just believing, that you are not alone is sometimes the only thing you need in the moment to continue the fight. Watching the body of Christ surround you, hold you up, is a living testimony of the Grace and Goodness of our God. 

I'm sure that most of you are like me and would do almost anything to make the days easier for the sweet Sindelar fam. It hurts to see our loved ones struggle. It sometimes makes us feel helpless and even a little guilty that we aren’t enduring the same hardships. THANK YOU for not stepping back, THANK YOU for pressing in, THANK YOU for sacrificially giving. You all gave $10,000k in a matter of months!! I absolutely know that your gifts have already lightened their financial burdens. 

Here is the finished piece of art both front and back. Every one of you that gave, your name is on there, a lasting reminder of your care for Justin, Molly, Zeke and Isla. ❤You'll see many pieces with hearts on them, all were bought though many wanted to remain anonymous in their giving❤

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