Friday, June 30, 2023

Isla's 11th VEPTR surgery (expansion) - surgery day

Isla's now asleep, so I wanted to write a quick update and thank you all so much for the prayers, kind words, and encouragement today. We felt it all and were so encouraged by you all. 
God is so good and Isla had so much peace through the hard. It truly was miraculous. 
I made a little video of the day... 

The surgery was successful but wasn't without it's challenges and some difficult things to process. We ask for continued prayers for Isla and our family. We are so grateful for the miracles God has done in Isla's life and through this team at CHOP. 

If Isla keeps tolerating food, meds, etc...she may be able to go back to the hotel tomorrow night. 
Praying she can sleep so well tonight! 

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