Thursday, June 29, 2023

Isla's 11th VEPTR surgery (expansion) - pre op appointments day.

Today started fairly rough for our girl. She had a hard time sleeping last night and woke so anxious in the very early morning (which is EXTRA early for us PNW people). The anxiety has been high. 
Isla is understanding more, bit by bit, and she is scared. She keeps repeating "Dr. Anari make my VEPTR rods bigger, then go home?" "Go home now please?!" It's heartbreaking to tell her she has to go through this...but we take the opportunity to share with Isla how much God loves her and is with us and how amazing and brave she much we love her and are here to support her. We cannot go through these days without constant contemplation of all that has taken place the last 5 years. Isla has been through SO much and the fight isn't over. We are so incredibly proud of her and continually praise God for her life and the countless miracles he has done in Isla's life, through these years. 
Here is a video recap of today...

We talked with Dr. Anari this afternoon. He talked through how tiny Isla's thoracic vertebrae is. It is only between 2-3 inches long. She has missing vertebrae, deformed vertebrae, and many fused vertebrae. Due to this, her ribs all meet in a "crammed" area. Her lungs are still quite tiny. 
These VEPTR rods have been saving Isla's as much room as possible for (our hope and prayer of) lung growth. 
We are all astonished at how well Isla is functioning with her body and lungs. It is a miracle she has been able to continue to breathe on her own. She lives in a lot of pain...but goodness, nothing slows her down. God created her to be a fighter - she needs to be! 

We will be checking in to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) at 1:15pm est. tomorrow. Will you please pray for Isla's body to be protected, for surgery to be successful, and for Isla to feel miraculous peace as she enters her 12th (11th VEPTR) surgery? 

Thank you for praying! 

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