Friday, June 23, 2023

One week from Isla's next VEPTR surgery

I've been quite quiet for a long time. Hello! 
Wish I could be sitting across from whomever is reading this and asking how you are doing! 
Life has been quite intense in many ways, and we sure miss a lot of connection with so many of you! 
We hope and pray you are well!

My "silence", if you will, is slightly intentional and mostly unintentional. When you walk through seasons of intensity, it can be so difficult to put into words a simple update. With many unique challenges and needs each day, we are taking each day as it day at a time. It has been a (long) season of focusing in and really taking time to recognize what God is showing us in this time. There is so much I could update on, but in a nutshell, the medical/physical/emotional/mental needs within our family have been overwhelming. We so seriously ask you to keep praying for our family. We need it and feel so loved by it.

A bit of what is on my heart: We see God in the details of each day and while the circumstances often feel like "too much" (when I say often, I mean it), we so humbly share that the Lord is faithful beyond comprehension. We definitely have days where we don't feel much like looking for the good in the day, the hard things can feel blinding to all else, but that reveals all the more how much we need Jesus. How could we not see God...he is in the details of our story - in more ways than we could comprehend. He is so merciful to remind us day after day of his care, leading, and sovereignty over our family. We are certainly weary, I will not sugar coat that...but it gives us all the more ability to speak of the Lord's goodness, mercy, and love. There is more going on than we could even imagine, and we know God has purpose in the pain. We desire to bring glory to him in our lives. He is where our peace lies. The hard things make you aware and grateful for all the "little things" each day that we typically may miss. They are there - just gotta want to see them :) 
fighting for joy...

We are about to make another trip to Philadelphia, PA for Isla's next VEPTR surgery. 
This will be VEPTR surgery number 11 for her and surgery number 12 overall. 
With her surgeon's recommendation, Isla has had 8 months since her last VEPTR surgery. This surgery will be a VEPTR expansion surgery, so our hope and prayer, is for a smooth and successful expansion surgery and for her to be able to be home as soon as possible. Should be much quicker than a replacement rod surgery. 
Isla had been experiencing a lot of pain and recently in the last couple of months, the pain has been constant and really triggering for her and creates a very confusing place of emotions for her. Isla has been a warrior - going through so much. She is anxious about another surgery. Sweet girl is trying to process to the best of her ability and does not fully understand this all yet, which makes it all SO much harder. She has been so brave to try to process these details more, trying to comprehend all ahead. It is amazing to hear her communicate details that she has never been able to before. We know it has been in her mind, but for her to find the words and understanding in some of the details, speaks volumes to how brave she is and the mighty progress she is making. She is a fighter! Isla still doesn't want anything to slow her down and if it does, she is quite upset. We are still in awe of the miracles of her life and how amazing she is! 
Isla's surgery date is June 30th - if you have a HOPE for Isla shirt, please wear it and share a picture with us if you are comfortable to! Isla loves to see people wearing Isla is a way for her to feel support and a great reminder to pray. 💜

A huge blessing for this trip is that we will be going to another surgery as a family of four again, since 2020. Our brave and courageous Zeke gets to be with us again AND WE COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! 
He will get to be with Isla on surgery day and during recovery. PRAISE GOD! We LOVE our buddy and are so thankful to stay close, together. 
(Que the dance party in celebration!) hehehe! 

I wanted to share a huge THANK YOU to all that shopped my Bayberry Jade Etsy shop a week ago. 
I was not able to give much for personal advanced warning (sorry!) and y'all showed up!!! We were in shock at how fast everything sold out. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for visiting our shop and supporting our family. Opening up the art shop for a short pop-up sale was not a decision from a while ago, but one that I tried to pull together fairly quickly, knowing that we needed the extra financial help during this time. 
I've been receiving questions as to how people may be able to give a donation toward medical/travel expenses. We do not have any special platform set up right now, but we will share our Venmo if were wanting to support. Please feel no pressure...just giving the option for those who have asked. 

We'll share this week as we are able...
Holding on to HOPE as we move ahead. 

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