Saturday, July 15, 2023

Isla's 11th VEPTR surgery update + SHIRT CAMPAIGN RE-LAUNCHED

Yesterday marked two weeks since Isla's VEPTR expansion surgery. 
In case you missed it, Isla was able to be discharged from the hospital the evening of the day after surgery and we were able to get her to the hotel to rest. 24 hours later, we flew our warrior girl home. 
No better place to recover than home! 
I wasn't able to update or make a video of day after surgery/going home, until now...
if you'd like to watch it: 

In the first week back, Isla was doing so well. She does not let things slow her down ever... even surgeries. The meds were helping her so much with pain management. She was happy to be home and quite calm. We didn't have our heads on straight...but you bet, we put on our 4th of July outfits (blame mom) and both kids were so excited to celebrate from home. 

We also got to celebrate our superhero Zeke turning the big 10!!!!! What in the world! 
So LOVE celebrating this boy!
This past week, it seemed like Isla was getting a bit worse and the last couple of days, Isla has not been herself and dealing with pain. Our spunky, go-go-go girl wanted more time of laying down and not doing much... which is not like her. 

We have been in contact with her team at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the main concern at this point is possible infection. We are watching her very closely and will keep in communication with her team. Would you join us in prayer for Isla to heal well and for no infection to set in? 
I'd love prayer as well... my health has just continued to be a tough place and I had to spend last Friday in the ER due to medication reactions again. 

We continue to take all things one day at a time...
We are counting every blessing and leaning on God's grace through it all. 
He truly is sustaining us each and every day. 

There is a Rend Collective song that we love that says: 
"I've been given a hope and a future
I've been blessed beyond all measure
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Letting go and trusting when I cannot see
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Surely every season You are good to me...
You were there in the valley of shadows
You were there in the depth of my sorrows
You're my strength, my hope for tomorrow
I've been blessed beyond all measure...
Surely Your goodness pursues me
Surely Your heart is still for me
I will remember Your mercies all my days
Through every storm and gale
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Letting go and trusting when I cannot see
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Surely every season You are good to me."

This is truth that we are standing on. We truly are blessed beyond all measure because of Jesus.... counting every blessing because Jesus is good always! 
From being inspired by this, we have designed a new shirt to remind us of God's goodness and grace. 
We have been asked if we still have the Hope of Isla shirts available to order, so we have decided to launch our three shirt designs again! (2 past designs and 1 new design!)
We'd love if you could help us spread the word and check out our shop! 

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