Friday, February 23, 2024

Entering surgery week - Isla's 12th VEPTR surgery (expansion)

Prep is in full swing over here...
Lots of daily emails, phone calls, packing, lists being made, many questions, many conversations, some tears, prayers, and just taking everything a day at a time.

Our travel day is February 27th,

Isla's pre-op day at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is February 28th,


Surgery day is February 29th.

This VEPTR expansion surgery is Isla's 13th surgery overall.
It gets more familiar, but it just never gets easier, and I think with many other challenges being faced in life, it really feels extra overwhelming for our girl and our family, too. We are hopeful for this to be a smooth expansion surgery for Isla to just have one night in the hospital. 
We are so proud of Isla - she has been so brave and asking a lot of questions. She has been processing the surgery more than she generally has been able to in the past, but as the days progress, the anxiety is growing quite strong. We know there will be a lot of nerves as each day gets closer to leaving and surgery day arrives. We have had some incredible support and advocacy surrounding Isla and we are so very grateful for that. Isla has been asking us to pray with her...sweet girl. 

Thank you to everyone that purchased a shirt in support of Isla! She has loved seeing all the sunshine being sent her way...what a blessing! Thank you for sharing pictures with us!
Thank you for cheering her on, thinking of her, and praying for her! 
Every amount of support whether by shirt, a message, or through prayer means so very much.  

Strength for today...bright hope for tomorrow

We wanted to share in the love, joy, and hope, so we created some printables for anyone that wants! 

I will be updating Isla's surgery journey here on our blog as I can. 
Thank you for praying for Isla and our family!


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