Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Isla's 12th VEPTR surgery (expansion) - TRAVEL DAY


Hey friends and fam
Thank you so much for praying for Isla and our family. 
We truly are so grateful for every prayer, message, and those thinking of us! This is the first I've been able to try to update... Our travel days start at sun-up in the pacific northwest and end at sun-down on the east coast... they feel looooong. We are so grateful to have had a fairly smooth flight across the country, such kind flight attendants, and while Isla was quite anxious, she handled the flight well. We were able to land and fairly quickly get our luggage and rental car. Then we hit some hotel issues... So, while we stayed last night at the first hotel, we had to make a change today. So, we got all packed up again and moved to a new hotel, got unpacked at the new hotel, and found the room had rainwater coming in.... SO packed up all our items again and moved to another room and we are hoping there is no more moving at this point. Pretty please!? We are trying to take it in stride, but for a little one that struggles in understanding what is going on and is so anxious knowing surgery is coming, not getting fully settled was tough. Sweet girl only slept 3 hours last night. So much she is trying to process. Zeke has continued to be such a sweet and supportive brother during these times. We are so grateful to have all of us together. 

(CLICK HERE) Travel day video

I'm going to try to get out another blog/video for today's events. But, as we were prepping to leave for this trip we realized it has been 6 years to the day, yesterday, that we had Isla's first appointments at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, not knowing if Isla would get the help she needed to be alive. Seattle doctors left us with no hope. We have recounted miracle after miracle from the last 6 years and surely have not thought of every moment...but it is amazing how the "good" floods in when we think about it. Just incredibly grateful for all God has done over these years. The years have been so intense and hard... It can feel really overwhelming, but it also so overwhelmingly incredible how we even got here. God has wired Isla to be such a fighter. God brought this team at CHOP to our attention from a magazine ad that we happened to see just a day or two before meeting with the head doctors at Seattle Children's... we were not looking for a new team, yet God was already showing us the way. The timing of getting Isla to the right doctors to get the help she needed was a miracle. We are just so grateful. 
The list could go on and on and at some point, I want to share it all... 
but for now, just a day at a time. 

Please keep praying for Isla! 

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